Papadopoulos Details Alleged Entrapment Scheme By Undercover Deep State Agents

Via Zerohedge

George Papadopoulos – a central figure and self-admitted dupe in the Obama administration’s targeted spying on the Trump campaign, gave a wide-ranging interview to Dan Bongino on Friday, detailing what he claims to have been a setup by deep state operatives across the world in order to ultimately infiltrate the Trump campaign.

Deep State insurrection defying POTUS Trump’s order to release unredacted FISA docs (Video)

Deep State officials like ex-CIA chief John Brennan are in panic mode.
Deep State DOJ tool Rod Rosenstein refuses to comply with Trump’s executive order as afforded him by the US Constitution.
Establishment Democrats are all over the mainstream media channels calling the act of releasing documents criminal.

Trump Orders Immediate Release Of All Text Messages, Carter Page FISA Application From Russia Investigation

Via Zerohedge
President Trump has ordered the Department of Justice to release all text messages related to the Russia investigation with no redactions, of former FBI Director James Comey, his deputy Andrew McCabe, now-fired special agent Peter Strzok, former FBI attorney Lisa Page and twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr.

FISA Court Scandal: No Hearings on Trump/ Page Surveillance Warrants. Three of the Warrants Were Issued After Trump Won Presidency.

Judicial Watch discovered the FISA Court held no hearings on the surveillance warrant applications from the FBI that was based on Christopher Steele's 'dirty dossier". Three of the warrants were executed after President Trump was elected. The fourth renewal of the warrant was signed under Mueller's reign, implicating him in using the fraudulent document. [...]