first amendment

Jared Taylor - YouTube Hammer Strikes AmRen & Molyneux + "Ken & Karen" Attacked in St. Louis

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Jared Talyor joins Henrik to talk about YouTube's ban of AmeRen, Molyneux and others. We also talk about the extraordinary attack on the couple in St. Louis that defended their property and home against BLaMtifa vandals.

Censorship: Its Central Role in a Multi-Party Dictatorship

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture
A friend happens to run a web-archiving service and has been coming under intense pressure to remove allegedly “false” Web-pages from his archive’s records. This would be censorship by that Web-archive. I sent him this note arguing that he should not:
Once you get into doing that, you will lose all credibility yourself.

Freedom of worship under attack by liberals, caught on [Video]

When I was growing up in the US during the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s, one of the prized freedoms we often and repeatedly talked about was the right to pray to God as one understands God, to be free both to go to the church of your church and to be free from going to the national church by requirement. Sure, this led to a pluralistic society, and sure, there are major challenges for each faith group in competition with other such groups and with the predominant secularism in the US, but believers have always had the freedom to pray and worship as they like.

Your Freedoms Don’t Have to Be Muzzled Just Because You’re Wearing a Mask

CHARLOTTESVILLE (Rutherford– Despite all appearances to the contrary, martial law has not been declared in America. We still have rights.
Technically, at least.
The government may act as if its police state powers suppress individual liberties during this COVID-19 pandemic, but for all intents and purposes, the Constitution—especially the battered, besieged Bill of Rights—still stands in theory, if not in practice.