
GOP Establishment Is Worried Trumpf Or Cruz Will Wreck Their Little Racket, Not So Concerned About America

Ted Cruz has a scaremongery anti-immigration TV ad (above) to compete with Herr Trumpf's scaremongery anti-immigration TV ad. The competition for the right-wing populist vote is on. Fiorina, now one of the margin-of-error candidates hoping to get a job in someone's cabinet-- though not Herr Trumpf's, apparently-- was asked on Fox and Friends about the new Esquire cover story, Hater-in-Chief.

If Cruz Beats Herr Trumpf In Iowa, It's Back To Reality TV And Shoddy Real Estate Deals For The Donald

Cruz has replaced Herr Trumpf as the Iowa front runner now. He's ahead of Trumpf among likely GOP caucus goers 40 to 31%, with Rubio way down at 12% for third place and no one else even close. Dr. Ben (6%) has got to be wondering when he drops out and poor Jeb is tied at 2% with Huckabee and Rand Paul.So.... guess what happened on yesterday's gasbag shows. Actually, Jake Tapper had a worthwhile discussion on CNN's State of the Union with Rand Paul.

Is It Fair To Label Fiorina A Conspirator In The Colorado Springs Terrorism At Planned Parenthood?

"Victims of Our Games" by Chawky FrennMuch like Illinois Republican Adam Kinzinger said on CNN while the terrorist was still inside the Planned Parenthood clinic shooting people, Herr Trumpf, while having his candidacy boosted by another Meet The Press interview yesterday, pronounced him (not Kinzinger, the other terrorist)

Lying Doesn't Matter In A Republican Primary... In Fact An Ability To Make Things Up And Get Away With It, Is A Plus For These People

David Brock may be discredited for his Republican-like sliming of Bernie Sanders on behalf of the Clinton machine that has helped finance his career, but the watchdog organization he founded in 2004, Media Matters for America, is as vibrant and essential as it ever was.

Not Dealing With Climate Change Is Now A Tenet Of The Republican Party Agenda

One of the uglier moments of Wednesday night's GOP debate-- chock full'o'ugly moments-- was when rabid climate-change denier Marco Rubio decided to make his presence known by making a tasteless joke about California's devastating drought. It took about three hours before the CNN moderators brought up climate change as a topic of discussion-- which must've lasted for less than five minutes-- and, predictably, Rubio was the first to jump in... to denigrate it entirely.

Was Trumpy Right About Carly Fiorina? Let's Look At That Face From A Planned Parenthood Perspective

Maybe when Trump looked at Fiorina's face and made the infamous and sexist remark, he wasn't talking about her being "ugly" per se, but about the twisted inner ugliness that was on display for the whole country during Wednesday night's CNN debate. DO LOOK AT THAT FACE-- it was twisted, contorted and misshapen in the same way Hitler's was when he was trying to manipulate large audiences.Fiorina was forcefully asserting that the blatant lies she was spouting were A Truth worth fighting for.

No, Fiorina Didn't Win Last Night's Debate, Despite What The Villagers Wanted And What They're Saying Today

Going into last night's CNN debate, Trump certainly had a target on his back-- and he knew it. Last night and this morning the TV gasbags and clueless pundits all declared Fiorina the winner. But debate viewers didn't agree, not even close. She came in a very distant second to Trump in the Drudge post-debate poll.