Fintech & Blockchain

BIS Tests mBridge: Successful Pilot Of Cross-Border CBDC Platform

According to the BIS, the mBridge ledger is a "new native blockchain", "custom-designed and developed by central banks for central banks, to serve as a specialized and flexible platform implementation for multi-currency cross-border payments." This expansive blockchain technology will tie the world's central bank system into a monolithic structure of financial control.

Monetary Transformation: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

If "the fish rots from the head down", then look no further than the Bank for International Settlement for the rapid implementation of CBDCs throughout the world. The chart below is likely out of date, with much more development having been conducted since the data was collected. The CBDC network is the chosen monetary system for the other side of the Great Reset.

Bank for International Settlements Lowers The Boom On Cryptocurrencies

Fintech is the chosen financial system for Sustainable Development. Today's cryptocurrencies will be completely driven out of existence by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) which collectively serve to "build trust in sovereign currencies." Technocrats will not allow the existence of things they cannot control, so unfortunately, crypto's days are numbered.

Banks, Credit Unions See ‘Devastating Consequences’ Of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

As I have said, when the Federal Reserve created its own digital currency and accepts its first consumer deposit account, the U.S. Treasury will be obsoleted and Congress will lose all control over creating money and coinage. This means that one private banking monopoly controls the entire monetary system.

The Bank For International Settlements Goes All-In For Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

The BIS in Basel, Switzerland is the central bank to central banks all of which represent a giant vampire squid on planet earth. When CBDC accounts are opened directly by the public, the U.S. Treasury will be obsolete and powerless, as will our Congress that has responsibility to coin money. This means total control over currencies by one monolithic structure that sits out of reach from all governments.