Financial Markets

Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 105

Anarchy, Socialism and Free Markets

In this rant of Empire, Power and People, I try to begin a discussion on the subject of anarchism: beginning with discussing some fundamental principles of anarchist thought in questioning and legitimacy of all power structures. From there, ideas of socialism and free market “libertarianism” are discussed and critiqued. If one follows the logical train of thought behind both socialist and free market ideologies, the middle-ground between the two is Anarchy. It is there that the future of humanity “may” rest.

Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 91

Empire of Debt

This episode examines the contours of how debt relates to imperialism in the modern world, noting its recent history from the oil price shocks to the 1980s debt crisis, the implementation of neoliberal reforms, central bank “independence” and the power of financial markets. Debt functions as a means of dependency and discipline, shackling the debtor to the lender, and facilitating the global expansion of Western State-Capitalist Empire.

Listen to the podcast show here (Subscribers only):



Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 84

The Global Cartel: Central Banks & Financial Markets

What is the nature of financial markets? What are central banks and how are they controlled? These two areas are heavily overlapped, with private banks playing a leading role in the shaping of policy and institutions. Financial markets influence central banks, and central banks influence financial markets, but at the centre are the world’s major bank groups with unprecedented influence to shape a new system of global governance. Welcome to the global cartel.