
Bacon’s Rebellion and Donald Trump

The liberal left media has been pushing many ideas about what the election of Donald Trump symbolizes. Arguments abound about how to combat the rising tide of the Alt-Right. Many of these arguments deal with how one’s particular gender, race, or orientation affects the way in which one might join the fight for equal rights. The specific villain to target seems to change week to week, day to day, like the specials menu at a gluten free, vegan, locavore café and bakery.

The Social Construction of Value, Price and Wages

Within post-industrial post-modern bourgeois-state-capitalism, value is no longer based on labor and/or on labor theories of value such as Marx’s theory. In fact, all post-industrial post-modern societies to various degrees have shed their modern labor theories of value and surplus-value; i.e., theories where labor-time and cost of production are the basis of price and value determinations.

Rebellion in the Suites: Tax Collectors and Businesspeople

Large-scale political and economic challenges are confronting the US multi-national corporate elite. Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Pfizer and scores of other multinational tax evaders are facing the triple threat of multi-billion dollar fines, the redistribution of their wealth and the possible reintroduction of equitable socio-economic programs, which could undermine their power.