
From COP-21 to COVID-19: The Collapse of “Predictive Models” and the Return to Actual Thinking

American Surgeon General Jerome Powell’s recent announcement that America would begin using real data and real trends instead of the World Health Organization-Bill Gates driven ‘predictive models’ came as a breath of fresh air for many who were beginning to lose hope that reason had been banished from world policy.

Top 10 Lies of the Modern World!

In this new top 10 I cover the chief lies most people still (amazingly) believe. From the worship of “progress” (an unclear notion), to the assumption experts and officials tell us the truth. the “normal” world is dominated by lies that are ancient, as well as new versions of ancient lies. You may take issue with my numbering – if so, let me know in the comments! Be sure to like and subscribe and share!

We’re In A Recession, And It’s Likely To Get Worse

The coronavirus epidemic is creating an ongoing teachable moment that could be used to transform the US economy. COVID-19 and the oil war are triggers leading to a recession that has its roots in record corporate and personal debt, longterm low wages and an artificially-inflated stockmarket. The shortcomings of US economic policy, the healthcare system, and workers’ rights are being magnified by the current crisis.