
Who Is The Worst Democrat In Congress-- And The Best Republican?

Seriously-- would YOU shake hands with Trump without a glove on?Arizona Blue Dog Kyrsten Sinema is no longer the worst Democrat in the House. Thanks to Chuck Schumer's always screwed-up recruiting agenda, she's now the worst Democrat in the Senate. Actually her crucial vote score (38.46%) is tied with Jo Manchin, so... to be fair, she's tied for worst.

Let Fredo Trump Serve As A Warning To Mankind: This Shit's Getting More Serious Than Putin-Gate-- 3 Songs

We have't talked about kakistocracies in a while. The simple definition of a word from the 1600s describes a state run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. Paul Krugman was one of many commentators to apply the word to the Trump Regime, writing in mid-January of this year that "[Trump is] surrounding himself with people who share his contempt for everything that is best in America.

Upstate New York Voters Just Elected A Dead Trumpist To The State Legislature

Friday, WYSL hate talk radio host/wing-nut Assemblyman Bill Nojay, a loud and early Trumpanzee backer, was due in court on fraud charges after embezzling money from a trust fund he had handled as an attorney. Instead, he decided to shoot himself a few feet from his family's burial plot at Riverside Cemetery.