
Anselm’s Ontological Argument & John Duns Scotus – Dyer / Fr Sorem (Half)

Fr Dcn Dr Ananias Sorem joins me to discuss two important Roman Catholic figures: Anselm of Canterbury and John Duns Scotus.  We will cover the insights here and there, but mainly focus on the weaknesses in these theologians and how they do not actually provide any bridge between “Palamism” and latin theology.  The second half of this talk is available for subscribers. Live at 530 PM CST

Jordan Peterson, Origen, Darwin & Absolute Simplicity – Traditional Philosophy Ep 4 – Jay Dyer (Half)


Today we will continue to cover divine simplicity in the Roman view, the Orthodox view, the meanings of our terms, the revealed doctrines, the patristic usages, the essence – energy distinction, St John of Damascus but with a focus on St Sophronius, and the 6th council’s condemnations of Origenism on multiple grounds from St Sophronius’ confession, accepted at the 6th council. We will compare this to Origen’s doctrine of evil based on dialectics and how Peterson accepts this view and how this leads him to gnosticism and how it ties to evolutionary theory.


Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted – Orthodox Theology – Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight I will cover a topic long-requested by followers – expand on refuting Protestantism. We have covered many aspects of Roman Catholicism, but what about the reformers? Do the problems in Rome vindicate Protestants? What about reformation principles compared to Orthodox theology? What about the “solas” as compared with Orthodox Tradition? The first half of this video will be public, while the second half will be for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Roman Catholic Absolute Divine Simplicity Refuted – Jay Dyer

If you like this analysis, purchase signed copies of my book in the shop!
“When God was conversing with Moses, He did not say, “I am the essence”, but “I am the One Who is.” Thus it is not the One Who is who derives from the essence, but essence which derives from Him, for it is He who contains all being in Himself.” -St. Gregory Palamas, Triads in Defense of the Holy Hesychasts, III.ii.12
By: Jay Dyer