
600 Migrants Armed with Flamethrowers and Bags of Feces Break through Spanish Border in Morocco

An estimated 800 sub-Saharan migrants attempted to cross the border between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Ceuta through a 23-foot high fence. The invaders with homemade shields threw stones, Molotov cocktails, and feces at police. They also used gasoline sprays to make flamethrowers. [...]

San Francisco Launches App to Clean Up “BioHazards” on Subway

San Francisco has the most expensive housing in America, which has led to a rise in the homeless population who are living in the streets, creating a problem with human waste on the streets. The city is offering a new app to report feces and needles left behind by drug addicts on the floors inside the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station instead of creating a solution to the homeless problem. [...]

Diarrhea-Inducing Parasite in Public Pools: How to Protect Yourself

People pee in swimming pools – that probably doesn’t come as a shock to you. You tuck it in the back of your mind when you go swimming; but you when you accidentally swallow a mouthful of pool water, you know you’re getting more than H2O and chlorine. Well, there’s another threat lurking in public swimming pools. It’s a diarrhea-inducing parasite called cryptosporidium, and federal officials said back in May that cases of the bug are on the rise.
Source: CDC

Dutch “Poop Bank” Will Offer Treatment, Research of C. diff

Going to the bathroom has deep meaning in the Netherlands – now that its first “poop bank” has opened.
The Dutch Donor Feces Bank (NDFB) is open for business at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), bringing new reason and meaning to relieving oneself. The bank was set up in an effort to reduce the prevalence of infection by Clostridium difficile, or C. diff, bacteria in the human digestive tract.