
The Papal Clown Mass & Circus Show: Replying to Michael Lofton

Fair Use: Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports. In our new series we will be letting loose a flurry of replies to many of the prominent YT streamers […]

Take A Rare Glimpse Inside China’s Zero-Covid Madhouse

The western world has been given a rare, intimate look inside the confines of a Chinese Covid-19 concentration camp, after Financial Times Shanghai correspondent Thomas Hale was ensnared by the President Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid regime.   It’s not that Hale had tested positive. Merely being designated as a “close contact” was enough to sentence him to 10 days […]

NBC Quietly Removes Report Claiming Paul Pelosi Walked Away From Police, “Did Not Immediately Declare” Emergency

The Paul Pelosi attack continues to grow more bizarre by the day. On Friday, sources familiar with the investigation told NBC News that when the police responded to the high-priority call, they had no idea they had been called to the Pelosi residence. What’s more, Pelosi did not immediately declare an emergency or try to leave his home. […]