
“Give Kremlin A Warning”: US ‘Nuclear Apocalypse’ Submarine Enters Mediterranean Sea

Multiple reports show the world’s largest nuclear submarine, the USS Rhode Island, left the Port of Gibraltar on Spain’s south coast last week and was last seen entering the Mediterranean. British newspaper Daily Express said the nuclear submarine is “reportedly heading towards the Black Sea.”  The Italian newspaper la Repubblica said USS Rhode Island, which arrived in Gibraltar on Nov. […]

Kyrie Irving Ordered to Renounce His Religious Beliefs to Play Again For The Brooklyn Nets

Star basketball player Kyrie Irving is being ordered to renounce his sincerely held religious beliefs, undergo “anti-Semitic/anti-hate training” and more in order to be allowed to play again for the Brooklyn Nets in the NBA. Irving was suspended by the Nets on Thursday for failing to apologize profusely enough for sharing a link to an “anti-Semitic” […]

Pope Benedict XVI: New Letter on Vatican 2 & Lecture on Introduction to Christianity

Today we take a change of pace and cover what many have considered a classic introduction to the Roman Catholic version of Christianity: Cardinal Ratzinger’s well known Introduction to Christianity. Is this a traditional work? Does it contain modernism? How as Orthodox would we see this book and how useful are the admissions in Ratzinger’s […]

Kanye, Britney Spears & Aaron Carter – Wild Tweets & Celebrity Handlers?

Kanye has really shaken things up lately with his lengthy interviews and tweets detailing intrigues and drama that we’ve never seen the likes of before in Hollywood / music industry circles. However, there are a lot of interesting questions about these recent actions. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com […]