Baltimore, Other Big Cities Push for Warning Labels on Sugary Drinks

Next week, the Baltimore City Council will consider a bill that will require warning labels on sugary drinks similar to those found on tobacco products. If the bill passes, it would make Baltimore the first East Coast city to require such a warning.
Source: NPR
The council held an official meeting on Tuesday where members discussed the bill, which would require warning labels on not just sugary beverages, but also advertisements, restaurant menus, and at the point of sale where sugary products are sold.

Double Stem Cell Transplant Improves Childhood Cancer Survival Rate

A Phase 3 study has recently found that children who receive double autologous stem cell transplants are more likely to survive neuroblastoma, a particularly deadly strain of cancer, than those who have only received a single stem cell transplant. A follow up to the treatment with immunotherapy drugs often provides the best results.

Health Ranger Launches Independent Science Journal to Bypass Medical Corruption

Western medicine has revolutionized the way we handle illness and disease, there is no doubt about that. But as with any development in society, there is room for error, questionable operations, and what many consider blatant corruption. It’s time that we reveal and see, as a collective, what may be truly going on in the realm of scientific development.

Child with Prosthetic Limb Gets Doll Like Her in Viral Video

Ten-year-old Emma Bennett was born with a rare birth defect, and as a consequence is missing her right leg. Although she wears a prosthetic leg and is as active as any other girl her age, participating in swimming, soccer, cheerleading and volleyball, she’s never owned a doll that fully represents who she is. Although Emma loves her American Girl collection, her parents recall hearing her bemoan the fact that none of the dolls really looked like her. 

Think Twice Before Using a Wire Bristle Brush to Clean Your Grill…

Emergency rooms are always full in the summertime, often due to outdoor accidents. But sometimes people wind up with an IV stuck in their arm because of things they never dreamed of happening – like perforating an organ while eating a cheeseburger. A new study conducted at the University of Missouri School of Medicine identified more than 1,600 injuries from wire-bristle grill brushes reported in ERs since 2002.

Teen Brings Awareness to ‘Invisible Illness’ with Viral Facebook Post

Nineteen-year-old Aimee Rouski may look like any other carefree, attractive teen on the outside. But when she showed what was underneath her clothes in a viral Facebook post, she let the world know that there is often more to people than what meets the eye, especially for those dealing with chronic or invisible illnesses.