3 Reasons the Olympics in Rio are Evolving into a Nightmare

The Olympics will be starting soon in Rio de Janeiro, and by all accounts, it’s setting up to be somewhat of a nightmare.
With less than 50 days before the Games are set to begin, a financial crisis is preventing the city from honoring its commitments to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The governor has said the crisis is so severe that it could eventually result in “a total collapse in public security, health, education, mobility, and environmental management.” [1]

Stem Cell Fillings Could ‘Put an End to Root Canals’

Dental fillings with stem cell technology have recently been announced by researchers, which could put an end to root canals forever. This technology allows to teeth to regenerate, building up new, healthy teeth.
The technology, developed by the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom and the Wyss Institute at Harvard, uses stem cells to help your teeth actually regrow. Using the technology, it stimulates dentin, the material your teeth are made out of of, and encourages them to form anew.

Possibly Rabid Animal Bites Walmart Customers

Two people were bitten by a black mammal at a Walmart in Westerly, Rhode Island, on July 4. Neither of the individuals have come forward, and authorities are trying to hunt them down for fear of their lives.
The incident occurred inside or near the store between 4 and 5 p.m., according to a statement released by the state Health Department. The warning was released jointly with the Department of Environmental Management.

Shocking Finding: Pasta Consumption Associated with SLIMMER Waist

Pasta isn’t what you normally think of as a weight-loss food. Many distance runners and other athletes use pasta to load up on carbohydrates to give them fuel before a competition, but you don’t hear of people gorging on spaghetti in order to drop a few pounds for a wedding, unless it’s some crazy fad diet. Pasta’s image, however, may get a reboot from a new study by Italian researchers, who say pasta might help people lose fat.

THIS Is Why Lyme Disease is Spreading so Rapidly

Record numbers of Americans are being affected by Lyme disease; and, thanks to climate change, that number could increase dramatically as warmer temperatures allow ticks, the carriers of Lyme, to live longer.
Immature deer ticks, or nymphs, now exist throughout large areas of North American forests, although this wasn’t always the case. During early summer, the blood-thirsty insects roam about, looking for victims to feed on.

No Texas Beaches Closed in Wake of Flesh Eating Bacteria

Two Texas men have recently been diagnosed with contracting a flesh eating bacteria, a life- and limb-threatening disease that enters your body through contaminated water. While many citizens are concerned about the bacteria, which is known as Vibrio, Texas officials say that it is likely safe to go into the water despite the recent diagnoses.
The bacteria enters your body through open wounds. It can also be contracted through eating raw or contaminated seafood.

Simon Cowell Donates $33,000 for Child’s Cancer Treatment

Simon Cowell may be known as the grumpy judge on the hit TV program American Idol, but he certainly isn’t as rough as portrayed. The music producer known for catapulting singers to stardom in his native UK and the United States has helped make a family’s dream come true by donating £25,000 ($33,100 USD) to little Kian Musgrove to help him receive specialist cancer treatment in the United States.