New Research into Animal Brains Helps Us Understand them Better

New research, which is to be presented at the 50th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology in Edinburgh, Scotland, is promised to help people better understand the inner workings of animals. From livestock to household pets, experts are working to better understand the behavior of animals so that they can better serve them and care for them.

107-Year-Old Woman Donates Corneas to Younger Patient

A 107-year-old Scottish woman was able to save the sight of a younger patient by donating her corneas, even after her death. The woman, who is currently unnamed, recently passed away. However despite her age, her corneas were still intact and able to be given to someone else. Doctors in Scotland say that the woman is now the oldest organ donor in the country, with the previous record being set by a 106-year-old eye donor. [1]

Researchers to Monitor Zika Virus in Olympic Athletes

With the Olympics taking place in Brazil, one of the hotbeds for Zika activity, researchers will be monitoring exposure on a small sample of Olympic and Paralympic athletes participating in the games as well as staff members accompanying them. Funded by NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the study hopes to help researchers understand why some people are infected with Zika, while others are not, in addition to the various effects that take hold in different people’s bodies.

Which Bugs Are Hitching a Ride on This Subway?

Source: Boston.com
The subway is famous for many things, many of them unpleasant. The New York City subway, for example, is notorious for its disgusting rat population.
If you’ve ever ridden the NYC subway, you know you can’t stand on a subway platform without seeing at least one rat run by. Some of those suckers are as big as a purse or a carry-on bag. Maybe you remember Pizza Rat, the infamous rodent seen dragging a huge slice of pizza down the NYC subway stairs.

Study: 10% of UK Parents Giving Toddlers Adult-Size Portions

It is no secret that obesity is on the rise in the west, with a new study finding that 10 percent of UK parents are giving their toddlers adult-sized portions instead of those appropriate to their age. Needless to say, this is likely a contributing factor in the increasing waistlines of children across the western world.
The alarming research also found that almost 80 percent of children ages 1 to 4 are getting more food than they need. This, while other children don’t know when their next meal will come, or where it will come from.