Stunning Viral Video Shows Whales and Dolphins Playing

Gorgeous drone footage, captured in 2014, shows humpback whales and dolphins playing with each other in what appears to be a game of tag. Although the footage was caught over two years ago, it’s only recently been posted to the Facebook page “Life in the Hawaiian Islands” where it went viral. With almost half a million views, the stunning footage has been reacted to almost 7,600 times and shared over 18,000 times.

Archaeologists Find Monkeys Have Been Using Tools for 700 Years

As humans, we might think that we are the first ones to adapt or use tools, but new evidence is showing that primates have been using tiny hammers and other tools to open cashews for over 700 years. In their paper published in the journal Current Biology, scientists at the University of Oxford have even suggested that people knew cashews were safe to eat by observing monkeys crack them open with their primitive tools and eating them. [1]
The recent discover in Brazil dates the tools back to the 1300’s, but researchers don’t think it stops there.

This Deadly Bacteria Can Enter Your Body By a Mere Sniff

As if the world wasn’t scary enough, scientists have now discovered that you can ingest a bacteria that has a 50/50 chance of killing you just by breathing in. The bacteria, called Burkholderia pseudomallei, spurs a disease known as melioidosis. It has previously been found in Southeast Asia and Australia, killing 89,000 people annually.

Cancer Study Halted After 3 People Die

U.S. regulators in July of 2016 halted a trial of Juno Therapeutics Inc.’s experimental cancer therapy, known as JCAR015, after three patients died.
JCAR015 uses genetically engineered cells as a treatment for cancer. However, one of the pursuits in oncology was temporarily halted by the FDA when some of the participants developed fatal swelling in the brain.
Hans Bishop, Juno’s chief executive, said in a conference call with securities analysts that the deaths were “difficult and humbling for everyone involved.”

Study Reveals Some Awesome News for Gardeners Everywhere

Researchers have come to the conclusion that gardening is actually beneficial to your health. In fact, it has been found that pulling weeds and smelling roses can actually lower blood pressure, help you feel happier, and increase brain activity. Because of the overwhelming body of evidence, it has been dubbed “horticulture therapy,” which is used in a variety of settings to help people cope with their emotions and illnesses. Most notably, it’s being used in hospitals, schools, and even in prisons.

CDC Urges Spraying Chemicals to Rid of Zika Virus in Puerto Rico

US Health officials have become increasingly concerned by the rate Zika is spreading in the territory of Puerto Rico. The disease is spreading so quickly, that it is claimed as many as 50 pregnant women a day are becoming infected. Because of this, the Centers for Disease Control is urging Puerto Rico to spray the affected area with pesticides.