Acupuncture May Help Prevent Memory Loss, Study Suggests

Acupuncture may help those who are suffering from the early stages of dementia, a new study suggests. This stage, known as mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is somewhere between that of memory loss due to normal aging and memory loss due to dementia. This new study is one of the first that looks at the combination of Western and Eastern medicine, suggesting that acupuncture may work best if they are used in concert with one another.

Pokemon Go Saves Struggling Independent Ice Cream Shop

Mad Hatter’s Ice Cream, an independently owned ice cream shop in Anacortes, Washington has seen its business go from struggling to positively booming–and its all thanks to the popular Pokemon Go game.
As luck would have it, Mad Hatter’s is located near several Pokestops, meaning that it brought in a lot of foot traffic of those looking to gain in-app points and prizes. Due to the hot summer weather, many people decided to buy ice cream in between catching and training their virtual Pokemon, ramping up the ice cream shop’s business tremendously.  [1]

Could Poor Sleep Habits Be Making You Fat?

Can sleep apnea have an effect on your weight? Research reveals that this is likely the case.
Lack of sleep is intrinsically tied with weight gain, with many nutritionists recommending an adequate amount of sleep if you want to lose weight, along with a proper diet and exercise.
However, those who have sleep apnea don’t simply get the luxury of having a good night’s sleep. The condition can cause someone to stop breathing, as many as 30 times per hour, which clearly interferes with the quality of sleep people are getting. [1]

Homeless Man Rescues Wheelchair-Bound Man from Thieves

Although Joseph Hall is homeless, he isn’t defenseless–or heartless. Hall, who lives in a homeless shelter, recently stood up to some thieves who attempted to steal his friend’s wheelchair. [1]
John “Triston” Stubbs, fellow resident at the homeless shelter in Birmingham, Alabama where Hall currently resides, has cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disorder which drastically hinders movement, so you might imagine how he would be in even more danger than the average individuals or homeless person. And while violence against the homeless is declining, it certainly isn’t erased.

Machines Help People with Spinal Injuries Regain Mobility

Researchers in Brazil are hard at work on the Walk Again Project, which retrains the brain of someone who have suffered a spinal injury to help them regain mobility. This is done through “retraining,” accomplished by interacting with a robot.
Recent research found that those who had lost mobility were able to regain some of it and some of their lost sensation, however, none of the participants were able to fully support themselves on their legs after the study.