Bride Walks Down the Aisle with the Man who got her Dad’s Heart

Ten years ago, Jeni Stepien’s father was shot and killed in a robbery when she was just 23. A few short weeks ago, the man who received Michael Stepien’s donated heart walked Jeni down the aisle on her wedding day. It was early August when Stepien, 33, tearfully held Arthur Thomas’ wrist and chest, quietly nodding as he asked her, “Can you feel it?” [1]
Michael Stepien couldn’t physically be there to walk his little girl down the aisle on her wedding there, but his heart was with her, beating strong inside Thomas’ chest.

Here’s How to Undo the Damage Caused by Sitting All Day

Sitting for long periods is bad for you – this isn’t anything you probably don’t already know. But a leading cardiologists’ group warns that even if you exercise, spending too much time on your tush still takes a major toll on your heart. [1]
Let me be specific: you can’t just exercise a couple of times a week and expect to make up for 5 straight days of sitting, according to the American Heart Association (AHA) panel.

Study: Many Babies Sleeping in ‘Unsuitable Positions, Unsafe Environments’

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recently published a study showing that an overwhelming number of children are sleeping in an unsafe environment. These environments or unsafe sleep positions can cause babies to develop SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome, which is, indeed, every parent’s worst nightmare.
The study involved volunteers who allowed their child to be recorded when sleeping at the one month mark of their child’s life, as well as the 3 month and 6 month mark.

New Painkiller as ‘Effective as Morphine,’ but Without the Side Effects

Scientists have created a new opioid compound that’s as effective at killing pain as morphine, but without the side effects. It could mean thousands fewer people becoming addicted to prescription pain medication in the future. But untold effects are questionable, as it is modified by man.
The finding represents a turning point in the way scientists have traditionally tried to handle opiate addiction and overdoses.

McDonald’s Gives Kids Fitness Trackers, But Now Issues Recall

In a move to help counteract the contribution McDonald’s makes to childhood obesity, the corporate giant made the decision to help young people keep track of their steps by including fitness trackers in their Happy Meals. The watch-style wearable came in 6 different colors and was meant as a fun way to help children keep track of their physical activity. However, due to recent concerns of skin irritation, the Step It, as it was dubbed, will no longer be included in Happy Meals.