Cuba Shows Success at Containing Zika – But at a Cost?

The Zika virus may be sweeping Central and South America, but Cuba’s efforts at declaring war on the virus seem to be winning (at least against the virus). Six months ago, Raul Castro organized a nationwide campaign against the mosquito-borne illness, complete with intensive mosquito spraying.
After the first case on the island nation was discovered in March, Castro militarized the battle on Zika and sent 9,000 soldiers to fumigate. Every home in the country was sprayed in order to prevent further spreading of the virus. [1]

Dog Becomes Local Celebrity for His Daily 4-Mile Commute into Town

Bruno the dog has become an iconic resident in Longville, Minnesota, thanks to his daily 4-mile trek into town to meet and greet with the locals.
After residents Debbie and Larry LaVallee lost their dog, a stranger showed up with Bruno saying that he had found their wayward pup. Although he wasn’t the little guy they had been searching for, they couldn’t leave Bruno all alone. Believing him to be abandoned, they took him in as their own. And while Bruno loves his parents, he also loves making the daily 4-mile walk into town. [1]

New Organic Gatorade is Still Loaded with Sugar – Organic Sugar

Gatorade has a new organic line of its energy drinks, and if you have no idea what it means, let me explain: the array of sugar-laden sports drinks are still loaded with sugar, but that sugar is organic now. It’s not made with organic fruit or anything like that, sorry. [1]
Top Pepsi Co. executives have been talking about introducing an organic line of Gatorade for almost a year, and are now ready to roll out what is called “G Organic.”

Study: 1/4 Chicken Samples in UK Supermarkets Contain Antibiotic Resistant E. coli

A study at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom has found that one in four chicken samples, taken from the most common UK supermarkets, contain antibiotic resistant E. coli. [1]
This study, which was commissioned by the group Save Our Antibiotics, concluded that 51% of E. coli found in both pork and poultry samples were resistant to the common antibiotic trimethoprim, which is often used to treat lower urinary tract infections.
Mark Holmes, who conducted the research, stated that the findings were “worrying.” [2]