Stunning Video Depicts Bacteria Evolving, Becoming Resistant to Antibiotics

Superbugs becoming resistant to antibiotics have been all over the news in recent months. Though while we’ve been hearing about this often, wouldn’t be it cool to actually see it? Researchers at Harvard Medical School and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have made a short film that actually depicts bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, allowing us to see evolution first-hand.

Want Gluten-Free? Cafe Owner Says Sure – But Only if You Have a Doctor’s Note

The White Moose Cafe in Dublin is no stranger to controversy, with its owner, Paul (“Paulie”) Stenson, embroiling himself in yet another social media scuffle. Not too long ago, he stated that any vegans who entered his cafe would be “shot dead at point blank range.” Now on his hit list are those who claim to be gluten-free without a medical diagnosis of celiac disease. [1]

Mother Granted Permission to Give Birth to Dead Daughter’s Baby After Legal Battle

A woman in the United Kingdom has just been granted permission to give birth to her dead daughter’s baby, using her frozen eggs. Permission was granted after a 5-year legal struggle, and was finally allowed citing “exceptional circumstances.” The woman’s daughter died of bowel cancer at age 29, 6 years ago.
The legal struggle came because the mother claims her daughter had given her verbal permission to use her eggs, but the daughter’s wishes were never written out physically, making it a tough call for the court system.

About 3% of People Can’t Recognize Voices, Study Says

A new study from the University of Southern California set out to determine the prevalence of the relatively rare condition known as phonagnosia. This disorder, which most people likely have never even heard of, describes the inability to recognize the voices of those close to you. According to the research, approximately 3% of people can’t recognize voices, and they may not even know it. [1]

Scientist ‘Makes History’ by Eating 1st-Ever CRISPR Gene-Edited Meal

A lot of people are willing to spend a few extra bucks to buy organic produce and antibiotic-free meat these days, while others aren’t too worried about eating foods made with genetically modified ingredients or sprayed with pesticides. Well, it seems that scientists recently made history when they served up – and ate – the first full-meal consisting of genetically engineered food using CRISPR technology.

Genetically Modified Mustard Steps Closer to Approval in India

A panel of scientists with India’s Ministry of Environment said in a risk assessment of genetically modified mustard that the crop does not “pose any risk of causing any adverse effects on human and animal health and safety.” [1]
Mustard oil accounts for more than 10% of India’s cooking requirement of approximately 21 million metric tons.
The scientists have spoken, but not everyone is convinced that the information is accurate.