Video: Man Saves Miracle Kitten on Busy Russian Highway

A Russian surveillance system recently released harrowing footage of a tiny kitten crossing a busy highway and dodging traffic for several minutes before being scooped up by a benevolent stranger.
The kitten, who comes from Kaliningrad, Russia, was shown on camera attempting to cross a busy highway. He was miraculously able to dodge traffic for three and a half minutes in a breath-taking video. After several near misses in which drivers swerve around him or drive over him so they don’t injure him, a man stops and puts on his hazard lights. [1]

Belgian Minor First to Be Given Euthanasia Rights

A terminally-ill 17-year-old in Belgium has been granted the right to an assisted suicide. The federal commission on euthanasia stated that the unnamed minor was suffering from severe and unbearable pain before granting them the right to end his/her life. This is the first minor to be granted permission since the government decided that age restriction was no longer relevant for assisted euthanasia. The death of the minor was confirmed on Saturday.
In order for the minor to go ahead with the decision, the teenager’s parents had to grant permission.

Biotech Giants Bayer and Monsanto Sign Mammoth Merger Agreement

The agritech world got a lot bigger this week when German chemical giant Bayer inked an agreement to acquire Monsanto for $66 billion in cash. The 2 companies had been bickering for months, and this was the 3rd refurbished offer. In the end, Bayer agreed to pay $128 per share, up from the company’s previous offer of $127.50. [1]
The agreement makes it the largest all-cash deal on record.
Markus Manns of Union Investment, one of Bayer’s top 12 investors, said:

Good News: Healthy Diet for Kids may Help Improve Reading Skills

According to a new Finnish study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, a healthy diet in the first 3 years of school is linked to enhanced reading skills.
The study involved a collaboration between University of Eastern Finland and University of Jyväskylä. For the research, 161 Finnish children aged 6 to 8 were studied, with researchers following the participants through their journey from 1st to 3rd grade.

Sex-Crazed Tortoise Single-Handedly Saves His Species

Meet Diego the Giant Tortoise. He may be over 100 years old, but that hasn’t stopped this sex-crazed tortoise from almost single-handedly saving his entire species. The tortoise from the Chelonoidis hoodensis subspecies, who hails from the island of Española, has fathered over 800 children. He is now the father of at least 40% of his species that are released into the wild. [1]