Could Giving Babies Eggs and Nuts Help Them Combat Allergies Later in Life?

The evidence isn’t just anecdotal; the number of children who have food allergies has skyrocketed in the past few decades. In an effort to combat this ever-increasing issue, researchers have found new evidence suggesting that introducing high-allergy-foods to children as young as 4 months old could curb some of these reactions later in life. [1]

New Inhaler Developed to Protect Lungs Against Air Pollution

According to recent reports, more people die from air pollution than malaria and HIV/AIDS. The statistics show that 3 million people die prematurely each year from the toxic air, and the number could double by 2050 if no efforts are made to stabilize it. In the realm of good news on this issue, scientists have now created an inhaler that could help protect your lungs from the deadliest effects of air pollution. [1]

Doctors in Canada Get the Green Light to Prescribe Heroin

Medical marijuana is legal in about half of the United States, and the DEA missed its chance to legalize it on the national level when it passed on rescheduling marijuana this past summer. But in Canada, doctors have been given the green light to prescribe heroin to severely addicted patients.
Are we living in a parallel universe or something?

France to Become First Country to Ban Disposable Plastic Cups and Plates

In an effort to help curb some of the strains that disposable plastic puts on landfills, France is set to become the first country to ban all disposable cutlery products. By 2020, any disposable cutlery items will be required to be made from 50% biologically-sourced materials. By 2025, the cutlery will have to be made of 60% biologically sourced materials that can be composted at home. [1]

Eggo Waffles Recalled Due to Listeria Contamination

Frozen Eggo waffles are the latest food to be hit with a recall due to possibly being contaminated with the listeria bacteria. So far, 10,000 cases of the Kellogg’s® Eggo® Nutri-Grain®Whole Wheat Waffles have been pulled from the shelves. No illnesses have occurred from the possible listeria contamination, as the bacteria was discovered during routine testing at their Battle Creek, Michigan production facility. [1]

Extreme Couponer Plans to Feed 30,000 People by Her 30th Birthday

Lauren Puryear, 29, has fed more than 5,000 on a shoestring budget through her knack of “extreme couponing.” But that’s not enough for her; her goal is to feed 30,000 meals to the hungry and homeless by the time she turns 30 next September 14. [1]
Source: ABC News
It’s a lofty, if not impossible-sounding, goal, but Puryear claims she can feed 150 people for as little as $20, depending on what she buys. She’s so good at couponing, she often gets money back. [2]
Said Puryear of helping others: