Connecticut Farmers Market Meat Recalled After 7 Sickened

Two people in Connecticut have been hospitalized with E. coli after purchasing beef, veal, and bison from local farmers markets and farms. Adams’ Slaughterhouse, which produced the products, has recalled their meat in order to avoid further problems. Both of those who were stricken with E. coli had eaten the beef packed at Adams’.
Maura Downes, spokesperson for the Department of Public Health, which is investigating the multi-state outbreak, stated:

Brain Cancer Now Deadlier than Leukemia for Children, Report Shows

Federal data has emerged demonstrating that brain cancer is now the deadliest form of cancer for children and teens. Previously, leukemia was the cancer that was most fatal for children.
According to the data provided by the Centers for Disease Control, in 1999, 1 in 3 children who died of cancer died of leukemia. One in four children with fatal cancer had brain cancer. By 2014, the numbers had reversed. [1]
The report stated:

200 Millions Americans Threatened by Toxic Levels of Carcinogenic Chemical in Tap Water

In 1993, Erin Brockovich was a key player in the case against Pacific Gas and Electric when it was found to be polluting the water of Hinckley, California with chromium-6, a carcinogenic chemical. Now, a new report by the Environmental Working Group has found that the chemical is actually still in the drinking water, threatening 218 million Americans.
Source: EWG

New Study Definitively Links Texas Earthquakes to Fracking and Drilling

Since 2012, scientists have suspected that the earthquakes plaguing Texas and Oklahoma are results of wastewater injections from fracking and conventional drilling. And while they were relatively certain that the 2012 4.8 earthquake that rocked Eastern Texas was as a result of this phenomenon, they were still searching for definitive proof.

World Leaders Meet to Finally Address Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

On September 21, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly passed a declaration aimed at slowing the spread of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, calling it “historical” and “a turning point.”
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Dr. Keiji Fukada said:

“I think the declaration will have very strong implications. What it will convey is that there’s recognition that we have a big problem and there’s a commitment to do something about it.”

Kratom to Be Banned in 1 Week – Many Find the Decision in Haste and Error

In just over a week, the herbal supplement kratom will be listed as a Schedule I as seen on the U.S. Controlled Substances Act. This is due to the fact that the capsules contain mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, 2 substances which although are naturally occurring in the plant, are now classified as harmful by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).