Here’s Why Labels are Going on Marijuana Edibles in Colorado

As of October 1, edible marijuana products sold in Colorado must be labeled with a diamond-shaped stamp and the letters THC, both on the packaging and on the products themselves. [1]
Source: The Cannabist
The rule referencing the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana was added after complaints rolled in about the similarities between the pot-based treats and regular candies and baked goods.

Did a Utah Hospital Charge a Couple $40 to Hold Their Newborn?

If you’ve ever stayed in the hospital, you know you get overcharged for some ridiculous stuff. But one woman in Utah was allegedly charged nearly $40 to hold her own newborn.
Maybe you’ve seen a photo of the bill circulating on social media. Well, there’s more to it than what you’re probably seeing on Facebook. Here’s the story.

First Time Ever: U.S. Adds Bees to Endangered Species List

As of September 30, in a first for the United States, 7 species of yellow-faced bees native to Hawaii are under the protection of the Endangered Species Act. [1]
The precious pollinators were added to the endangered species list by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service after years of study by the Xerces Society, state government officials. Independent researchers concluded that the insects are under threat.
The rule is effective October 31.

CDC Issues 2 Major Zika Advisories for Men and Women

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued new warnings recently aimed at both men and women for avoiding transmission of the Zika virus. [1]
On September 30 the CDC said, among other things, that pregnant women should consider postponing travel to 11 Southeast Asian countries where Zika is spreading, and shored up its warnings for men who are considering having children.

Automated Insulin System Approved for People with Type 1 Diabetes

Life is about to get easier for people with Type 1 diabetes, now that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new automated insulin delivery system.
In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas makes little or no insulin, so patients must inject themselves multiple times a day with insulin, or use an insulin pump. It can be easy to inject too much or too little of the hormone, depending on what and how much a person eats, and if they exercise. [1]

New Research Suggests Acne Might Be “Good for Your Skin”

While most teenagers bemoan the appearance of the red spots on their faces, a new study has emerged suggesting that these unsightly skin legions might actually be good for you.
Kings College London conducted research revealing that teens who are prone to acne actually have younger looking skin as they age, as compared to their peers with perfect complexions. Those with acne will delay the onset of wrinkles as well as thinning skin, which causes the appearance of aging.

Monarch Butterfly Populations are Dwindling – Here’s How You Can Help

Majestic monarch butterflies cover the fir trees in the forests of Central Mexico every winter, but fewer of them have been calling these woods home, thanks mostly to humanity’s destruction of their natural environment. [1]

The number of monarchs have been dwindling for 2 decades, but the situation seems to have reached a tipping point this year.
Karen Oberhauser, co-chairwoman of Monarch Joint Venture, a national collaboration of 50 conservation, education and research groups, confirmed it, saying:

Mother Speaks out on Antibiotic Resistance After Child Taken by MRSA Superbug

Antibiotic drug resistance has become a huge issue, so much so that world leaders passed a declaration aimed at slowing the spread of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, calling it “historical” and “a turning point.”And while most of us have heard about these so-called superbugs, not everyone is aware of how quickly it can take away a life. That’s why Everly Macario is telling her story about her son’s life being taken by an antibiotic resistant strain of MRSA.