Could ‘Benign’ Cold Sores be Harming Your Heart?

Cold sores are a common problem that few people pay much attention to. Doctors tend to be unconcerned about them, too, and consider them to be little more than a nuisance. But one study shows a surprising link between one of the viruses that causes cold sores and the occurrence of immune cells that can damage the arteries around the heart.

Diseases Spread by Ticks and Other Insects Have More Than TRIPLED

When you go outdoors this spring or summer, make sure you cover up and do what is necessary to repel insects. A report released last year by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows that in the U.S., diseases spread by tick, flea, and mosquito bites more than tripled from 2004 to 2016. During that period, more than 640,000 cases of vector-borne diseases were reported. So, you should probably be careful this year, too. [1]

Fast Food Has Gotten LESS Healthy Over the Past 30 Years

If you grew up in the 1980’s, you might remember the thrill of getting a Happy Meal every once in a while. Going out for fast-food was a treat back then, not a regular occurrence. But the frequency in which Americans eat fast-food isn’t the only thing that has changed in the past 30 or so years. Though many headlines tell us that fast food is getting healthier as time goes on, others say that this already-unhealthy food has gotten even worse. [1]

Early Detection: Scientists are Working on a Cancer-Detecting ‘Breath Test’

Detecting cancer most often requires a biopsy, which can be painful and tough to recover from. Often, cancer is not diagnosed until it is in an advanced stage, as many types of the disease don’t cause symptoms initially. But now, cancer is on its way to becoming diagnosed using a “breath biopsy.” Scientists have been working on a breath test capable of detecting multiple types of the disease. [1]

Study Finds Prenatal, Infant Exposure to Pesticides Increases Autism Risk

There are several theories about what causes autism; one of those revolves around exposure to pesticides. A recent study adds weight to that particular theory, as researchers discovered that children whose mothers were exposed to the most commonly used pesticides were more likely to develop autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

IKEA to Start Selling Air-Purifying Curtains to Help People Breathe Easier

In recent years, IKEA has become more health and environmentally-conscious, removing Styrofoam from packaging, reducing plastic use, and even planning to use only renewable and recycled materials in its products by 2030. The company launched products perfect for city-dwellers wanting to get in touch with nature, including a sustainable DIY indoor garden, as well as a hydroponic gardening system that goes in your very own kitchen. Now, IKEA plans on helping buyers breathe easier with air-purifying curtains.

Houseflies Carry 100’s of Diseases – Cause for Concern?

Flies are kind of disgusting, and definitely annoying. Since they’re so small and incredibly common, you might just swat them away when they land on your food and keep eating, but a study reveals that the little nuisances are even germier than previously thought. In fact, they can carry hundreds of different types of bacteria on their legs and wings. Cause for concern, or just disgustingly interesting? [1]
Researcher Donald Bryant of Penn State University said:

Text-Messaging as Effective as Medication for Improving Type 2 Diabetes?

Diabetes can be a royal pain in the you-know-what. Staying healthy always requires effort, but living with diabetes and staying healthy requires extra effort. No fun. Interestingly, one study claims something quite bizarre related to diabetes managements – texting is just as good as medication at improving blood sugar levels. Hmmm. [1]