Pill-Pushing Doctor Arrested After 36 Patients Die

A Jonesboro, Georgia psychiatrist is being called “Dr. Death” after 36 of his patients died, 12 of them from prescription drug overdoses.
Dr. Narenda Nagareddy was recently arrested and his office was raided by nearly 40 DEA agents. Nagareddy is accused of violating Georgia’s Controlled Substance Act, essentially running a “pill mill.”

Monsanto’s Greed Continues to Threaten 59 Indigenous Corn Varieties in Mexico

As recently as October of 2015, Monsanto stated that it planned to double its sales in Mexico. The biotech giant already made around $400 million in the country in 2015. This greed to conquer the Mexican maize market has caused the company to fight resistance and GMO corn bans initiated by citizens and government, though the company continues to put 59 unique, indigenous varieties of corn at risk. [1]

Send a Message to Obama: Ban ‘Likely-Carcinogenic’ Glyphosate-Herbicides!

During President Obama’s most recent State of The Union Address, he vowed to utilize the full spectrum of the U.S. government’s resources to create a “Moonshot-like” effort geared toward finding a cure for cancer. Why then, is Round Up, a ‘likely carcinogen,’ still being sold on markets across the United States and sprayed on our food?

Chick-fil-A Adds Organic Drink and Superfood Salad to its Menu

In a first for this fast food provider, Chick-fil-A is venturing into the world of organic foods, having launched its first organic menu option on Jan. 18.
Honey Kids’ Appley Ever After juice drink can now be found across the country following a test in Orlando that proved to be successful. The beverage, which contains no added sugar, won’t cost any more than the establishments’ other children’s drinks. [1]
Children also have a choice of low-fat regular and chocolate milk, and fresh-squeezed lemonade. [2]

Dow Fails to Appear in Court for the Third Time over Toxic Disaster

Leaders of 5 organizations representing survivors of the Dow Chemical (Union Carbide) disaster in Bhopal, India condemned the US government for protecting Dow from ongoing criminal proceedings in the Bhopal District court. Dow Chemical failed to appear in court for the third time recently to account for exposing half a million people to the deadly gas, methyl isocyanate. [1]

Could Contaminated Water Have Caused Legionnaires Outbreaks in Flint, Michigan?

Two outbreaks of Legionnaires disease in and around Flint, Michigan, have health officials looking into whether they were caused or at least affected by the ongoing water-contamination problem going on in that city.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is investigating the outbreaks, in 2014 and 2015, which sickened 87 people and killed 10 in Genesee County. The sick ranged in age from 26 to 94, and fell ill between either June 6, 2014, to March 9, 2015, or May 4, 2015, to Oct. 29, 2015, the agency said.

After a Rough Year, Chipotle Hopes Consumers Will Return for FREE Food

OK, now that I have your attention…
Chipotle had a rough year last year. The Mexican restaurant chain contended with multiple food poisoning and norovirus outbreaks, and the company’s stocks took a beating. Now, the company wants to thank loyal customers and regain the confidence of others through freebies.

VIDEO: How Monsanto’s Glyphosate Attacks our Core Cellular Functions

Monsanto’s Round Up herbicide, containing the likely-carcinogenic glyphosate, is causing widespread mitochondrial dysfunction in cells. This is associated with a long list of degenerative disease and chronic health conditions including autism, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, type 2 Diabetes, Parkinson’s, and obesity.

‘Worst Drug Trial in Country’s History’ Hits France – Here is What Happened

Portuguese pharmaceutical company Bial has been trying to get approval for a synthetic ‘cannabinoid-based’ medication to treat anxiety. Unfortunately for Bial, it seems that things apparently went very wrong.
Bial’s trial is receiving mainstream media attention, perpetuating a myth that cannabis is dangerous, but there are still huge questions about what actually happened. The molecule used in the drug trial wasn’t even from a natural cannabis plant.