Governor Rick Snyder a ‘No-Show’ for Flint Water Crisis Hearing

Governor Rick Snyder of Flint Michigan, largely blamed for hiding the levels of lead during the ongoing water crisis in the state, will be a no-show to the second hearing on the water crisis, his spokesman confirmed.
The Steering and Policy Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives invited Snyder to testify, but cannot force him to, since the committee does not have subpoena power.

Huge News: Monsanto to Pay $80 Million for Misrepresenting Round Up Earnings

Monsanto just keeps being forced to pay the piper. The mega-corp has lied to consumers about the safety of GM seed and their best-selling herbicide, and now it is being held accountable for stealing from and cheating its investors.
The company will pay an $80 million settlement to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a penalty for lying about earnings for glyphosate-riddled herbicide, Round Up. The SEC charges that Monsanto violated accounting rules and misstated company earnings as it pertained to its flagship product.

VIDEO: HBO Series Highlights Problems with Genetically Modified Crops

VICE’s entire third season of its HBO show is now available online for free! The May 2015 episode focuses entirely on genetically modified crops.
In the video, host Isobel Yeung traces GM ‘super-crops’ from the headquarters of American agribusiness titan Monsanto to the soy fields of Paraguay. She also visits the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which is financed by Bill Gates and the biotech industry. Seeds are stored there in case of widespread crop disasters.

VIDEO: This is How Banana Peels Could Help Detect Cancer Non-Invasively

When bananas start getting black spots all over them, they either become banana bread or trash, but the uses don’t stop there! Scientists have actually found that they might be useful in both detecting and treating skin cancer.
Those black spots contain tyrosinase, an enzyme also present in human skin, and in even higher amounts in people with melanoma, a potentially fatal form of skin cancer.