Hillary Clinton is ROLLING in Big Cash from her ‘Big Enemy’ – Big Pharma

Pharmaceutical companies have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in the 2016 presidential election cycle. Guess which presidential candidate accepted far more campaign cash than any other from Big Pharma? The money went to…drum roll please...Hillary Clinton. What’s more, Clinton says she’s proud to have drug companies as her enemies.

U.K. Group Shines Light on the Piles of Sugar in Popular Drinks

When I was a young adult, unmarried, living at home, and trying to balance life as a night owl with a day job that started before 9 a.m., I regularly dumped 2 full spoonfuls of sugar into my coffee at a time, and my mother would look at me in horror and gasp, “That’s too much!” And she was right.
But that ain’t nuthin‘ compared to the amount of sugar you get in a Starbucks specialty drink – which, once upon a time, was a regular “treat” for me. 

One Company is Setting a Whole New Level of Transparency for our Food Supply

If you haven’t yet heard of the “Single Origin Verified” food label, that’s because just one company is leading the industry with a new level of transparency for our food, with a hope that others will follow, of course. The Real Co. is launching the “Single Origin” food label to tell consumers exactly where their food comes from.

Consumer Group Warns Against Consuming Splenda

Findings of a study on the link between sucralose and cancer that caused uproar when they were presented at a cancer conference in 2013 have finally been published.
The food industry dismissed the results of the study when they were presented in London, but they are now available for the world to see in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health.

Dutch “Poop Bank” Will Offer Treatment, Research of C. diff

Going to the bathroom has deep meaning in the Netherlands – now that its first “poop bank” has opened.
The Dutch Donor Feces Bank (NDFB) is open for business at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), bringing new reason and meaning to relieving oneself. The bank was set up in an effort to reduce the prevalence of infection by Clostridium difficile, or C. diff, bacteria in the human digestive tract.

France Says “Glyphosate Could Be Carcinogenic to Humans”

First the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) deemed glyphosate, the main component in herbicides such as Round Up, a ‘probable carcinogen.’ Then, California’s EPA announced that glyphosate-products would adopt a cancer label. Now, France’s Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) suggests that glyphosate is likely a category 2 carcinogen, meaning it is cancerous to human beings.

Sad News: Organic Farmer Suffering from GMO Contamination Dismissed by Court

After a six-year legal battle GMO crop contamination, organic farmer Steve Marsh has lost his bid for a higher court to hear his case and the appeal which would have allowed him the chance to argue his side one final time.
Michael Baxter, Steve Marsh’s neighbor in Australia, grew genetically modified canola on his farm, but it wasn’t long before his crops contaminated Steve Marsh’s organic farm. Baxter says that the two men could have just had a conversation over the fence, but now it seems this legal battle is coming to a close, in Baxter’s favor.