This Simple Activity Offers Surprising Health Benefits

Have you ever thought about the potential health benefits of knitting or crocheting? Maybe sitting down to knit some mittens doesn’t seem like the most earth-shattering way to boost your health, but it’s certainly a relaxing one!
Many studies have found evidence that knitting or crocheting can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and even improve memory and brain function as we age. Even the immune system can be boosted by knitting, and studies show we feel more relaxed and upbeat. Why is this so?

Wendy’s Shifts Tomato Source to Mexico, Sparking Boycott of Hamburger Titan

Wendy’s has more than 6,500 franchises in the US alone. It’s the world’s third largest fast food hamburger chain, servicing millions of customers annually. A group of employees known as the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) is calling for a boycott of the hamburger titan, kicking off a demonstration to communicate its displeasure with a 12-day Workers’ Voice tour earlier this month.

BIG News! Senate Refuses DARK Act, Protects Americans’ Right to Know

Big News! The Senate just made the right decision in voting AGAINST a food bill that would effectively ruin GMO labeling across the country and keep Americans in the dark about what they are eating.
The bill, appropriately deemed the DARK Act (Denying Americans the Right to Know act), would halt states’ decisions to enact mandatory GMO labeling.

Big Food Is Still Fighting Vermont’s GMO Labeling Bill

Vermont is a little state, but it could force some enormous decisions. Will the Big Food corporations have to label GMO packages for Vermont, whose population is smaller than Brooklyn’s? They will if the Senate votes against the ‘DARK’ (‘Deny Americans the Right to Know’) Act (H.R. 1599) introduced in 2015 by Rep. Mike Pompeo.

Major Supermarket to Eradicate Food Waste by 2017, Give Unsold Food to Charity

In an effort to eradicate all food wasted in its stores and distribution centers, Tesco says that it will work with 5,000 different charities in the UK in order to give all unsold food to those who need it most.
Credit: Philippe Wojazer/Reuters
Figures recently released by the company suggest that this new program could save 55,400 tonnes of food that were thrown away at its stores and distribution centers across the country in 2015.