Researchers Tout GM Maggots as Major Wound-Healing Advancement

The idea of altering the genes of any biological thing is worrisome and hair-raising at the very least, but there’s just something especially freakish about the concept of genetically modified maggots. Aren’t they nasty enough without mankind tampering with their make-up?
Well, researchers at North Carolina State University (NCSU) believe GM maggots could play a vital role in the wound healing process and encouraging new cell growth.

36 Different Pesticides Found in Hawaiian Child’s Hair Sample

Kauaʻi mother Malia Chun is no stranger to fighting against biotech corporations that spray chemicals in her neighborhood. She flew all the way to Switzerland to attend Syngenta’s board meeting to draw attention to the fact that corporations like theirs are poisoning her children. Recent tests revealed that one of her daughters was riddled with 36 different pesticides – the shocking discovery was found from taking a simple hair sample to a lab.
Malia Chun stands in front of the GE corn fields near her home. Source: MIKE COOTS FOR EARTHJUSTICE

ConAgra to Label All Products with Genetically Modified Ingredients

The list seems to grow daily. The multinational ConAgra now joins General Mills, Mars, and Kellogg’s as a company which will label its products if they contain genetically modified ingredients. With Vermont’s mandatory GM labeling bill going into effect this summer, this is a decision more companies will have to make, and soon.

An Example of Big Food’s Last Ditch-Effort to Stop State GMO-Labeling Laws

In a publicity blitz against GMO labeling, Big Food is using a six-figure campaign to run ads in prime time on network and cable TV in and around the nation’s capital. This is part of a last ditch effort for the biotech industry and Big Food to keep states from writing their own mandatory GMO-labeling laws.
The effort is likely due to the fast approaching date for Vermont’s mandatory labeling law to go into effect, July 1st. Opponents of on-package labeling are running out of time.

Marijuana-Related ER Visits are up in Colorado, but the Plant Isn’t to Blame

Marijuana may help heal a lot – epilepsy, cancer, migraines, depression, and the list just keeps growing. But it’s not perfect. Using marijuana can mar your judgement, or so suggests the results of a recent study which found people who visit Colorado to partake in a little ganja wind up in emergency rooms more often than Coloradans.