Pest-Control Giant to Phase out Use of Bee-Killing Chemicals by 2021

In light of the potential dangers a class of pesticides known as neonicotinoids have on bee populations, pest-control company Ortho recently announced that it will be transitioning away from the chemicals in order to protect the world’s pollinators. Ortho plans to phase out the use of neonicotinoids by 2021 in 8 of its pesticide products.

Japan to Release Radioactive Water from Fukushima into the Sea

At the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, scientists are running out of space for the plant’s enormous amounts of irradiated water. The radioactive water is being stored in thousands of tanks, and contains tritium, a substance that is hazardous to health. About 300 tons need to be pumped into the plant every day to keep its reactors cool.
Tritium can be removed from water in laboratories, but such an effort would be preposterously expensive, so scientists have another idea in mind: dumping the nuclear waste into the ocean.

EU Parliament Members Test Urine for Glyphosate Ahead of Vote on the Herbicide Chemical

On Monday and Tuesday, 150 members of the European Parliament (MEP) donated urine samples to find out if they have glyphosate in their systems. The screening comes ahead of a symbolic vote in the European Union that is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, on whether to re-license the RoundUp chemical for another 15 years. [1]

Whoopi Goldberg, Maya Elisabeth Inspire NJ Medical Marijuana Bill

New Jersey has one of the most restrictive medical marijuana programs in the nation, leaving no access to many who could be benefiting from the medicine. But now something is being done to change that – especially for women. Drawing inspiration from Whoopi Goldberg and California businesswoman Maya Elisabeth, Assemblyman Tim Eustace said he will be introducing legislation that would add women’s conditions to the approved list of ailments for medical marijuana.