This Country’s Teen Smoking Rates Hit Record Low

The rate of smoking among Australian adolescents, statistically defined as those aged between 12 and 17 years, has hit a record low, fueling hopes of a smoke-free generation. Twenty years ago, 23.5% of 12- to 17-year-olds smoked cigarettes, and the average age of “initiation” of smoking was 14. Now only 6.7% of youth in this age bracket smoke, with smokers beginning at age 16 on average.

Will There be more Plastic than Fish in the Ocean by 2050?

The saying, “There’s plenty of fish in the sea” will be utter nonsense by 2050, scientists say, because plastic will dominate the oceans.
Use of plastic has increased 20-fold in the past half-century, and plastic production is expected to double over the next 2 decades and nearly quadruple over the next 50 years. Nearly 1/3 of all plastic packaging “escapes collection systems,” CNN Money reports.

FDA Issues Warning for 2 Diabetes Drugs Linked to Increased Heart Failure Risk

Following the results of 2 clinical trials, the Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings for diabetes medications containing saxagliptin and alogliptin. These medications have been shown to increase the risk of heart failure, especially for those who already suffer from heart or kidney disease.
An FDA statement notes:

Ancient Medicine: Black Seed Oil’s 21 Powerful Health Benefits

Also known as cumin or caraway seed, black seed (Nigella sativa) has been used for over 2000 years and is viewed as a healing wonder, with research suggesting that it could be helpful in fighting illnesses of all kinds. Over 600 peer-reviewed studies prove that this amazing little seed has more than 20 ‘pharmacological actions‘ on the body when taken in food or as a supplement. Yes, black seed oil benefits are plentiful, and you will learn about them here.

Zika Virus is ‘Scarier than the CDC Initially Thought’

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said this week that the Zika virus is “scarier than we initially thought.” The agency made a connection between Zika and microcephaly, a horrible birth defect that causes babies to be born with small heads and brains, in pregnant women. It also suspected that Zika causes Guillain-Barré, a nervous system disorder that can temporarily paralyze people and cause permanent brain damage.