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The Answer to the Technocratic State and the Domestic Extremism Propaganda

Derrick Broze checks in for a quick update on the Biden Administration’s push for a focus on “Domestic Extremism” and how we can push back. https://pinecast.com/listen/624dc94e-c17c-44dc-96b6-32f6c13feede.mp3 Watch on Minds / Flote / Bitchute / Odysee / Hive Sources: Biden Orders Review of Domestic Violent Extremism Threat Americans Are Being Divided As The War On Domestic […]

The Final Schedule for The Greater Reset Activation

Friends, This is the final list of all of our speakers for Monday through Friday, and our bonus day on Sunday! Don’t miss out, the show starts on Monday evening! Check out the schedule and watch here —> The Greater Reset Activation
The post The Final Schedule for The Greater Reset Activation appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

Intersections of Christianity and Anarchism

(The following is a preview of Chapter 12 of the recently released The Conscious Resistance Trilogy by Derrick Broze and John Vibes. To read the full chapter pick up a copy of the trilogy!) There is no doubt that unimaginable suffering and division have been caused by the political organizations that formed around Christianity, Judaism, […]

Symbols: Paranoia, Confusion, and How to Take Them Back

Derrick Broze breaks down the power and importance of symbols AND how some people get lost in attaching their own meanings to common symbols that can be found in nature. https://pinecast.com/listen/de4b0001-0f6f-4e56-b9bf-70ead0cc89e6.mp3 Watch on Minds / Flote / Bitchute / Odysee / Hive Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to help with […]

Decentralizing the Web with Brady Gaisser of DWeb

Derrick Broze interviews Brady Gaisser of the DWeb team to find out how they plan to decentralize the internet and prevent censorship. Brady will be speaking at The Greater Reset Activation on January 28, 2021. Join the Dweb: http://peepsx.com/ The Greater Reset: https://thegreaterreset.org/ https://pinecast.com/listen/16e92cb3-9eb2-4e12-b823-6a8f4da98fe6.mp3   Watch on Minds / Flote / Hive / Bitchute / […]

This Is an Unprecedented Opportunity

Friends,We are only days away from the U.S. Presidential Inauguration and there is tension in the air. Or, is that what the media and Predator Class want us to believe?Finding the middle ground and establishing balance can be difficult in these confusing and chaotic times. I fear that the ramping up of propaganda regarding “domestic terror” and […]
The post This Is an Unprecedented Opportunity appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

Free Thinker Radio (1/14/21): Don’t Fall For the Hysteria and Division

Johnny and Derrick are back for another episode of Free Thinker Radio on 90.1 KPFT Houston and The Conscious Resistance Network. Free Thinker Radio is based in Houston, TX and brings you uncensored news and underground music! https://pinecast.com/listen/a834f89b-7899-4e7a-985a-bf7e34ef4bc7.mp3 Watch on Minds / Flote / Hive / Bitchute / Odysee Find out more about Free Thinker […]

Americans Are Being Divided As The War on Domestic Terror Expands

(Originally Published at The Last American Vagabond) Americans appear too divided and distracted to recognize that the architects of the Patriot Act and the failed War on Terror now have their sights set on the American homeland. The first week of 2021 kicked off with chaos at the Capitol in Washington D.C. Was it a […]