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I Watched a Man Die, I Found Inspiration

(the video above was originally recorded in 2013) Friends, In late 2010, I decided I was going to quit my job helping manage a restaurant, sell my stuff, buy a touring bike, and spend time traveling across the states volunteering on farms. It was the beginning of my current path towards liberation. I spent 3 […]
The post I Watched a Man Die, I Found Inspiration appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

Intersections of Anarchism and Confucianism

(The following is a preview of Chapter 17 of the recently released The Conscious Resistance Trilogy by Derrick Broze and John Vibes. To read the full chapter pick up a copy of the trilogy!) In this essay we will explore potential connections between anarchist thought and the Confucian worldview. Confucianism is a school of thought […]
The post Intersections of Anarchism and Confucianism appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

Another Houstonian Questions Mayor Sylvester Turner About Vaxx

On Saturday February 13, 20201, another Houstonian questioned Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner about the contents of the COVID vaxx. Mayor Turner brushed off the question. https://pinecast.com/listen/7f78a123-c458-4815-87a7-1b66591aebfd.mp3 Watch on Minds / Flote / Hive / Bitchute / Odysee Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to help with fatigue, stress, addiction, and pain: […]

What Are You Thankful For?

Today, in this moment, I am grateful for the abundance in my life. The abundance of love, support, friends, family, and wealth. I earned this. The Creator breathed life into me and I used my physical vessel to push past obstacles and achieve my goals. Today I give thanks for all my growth. I spent […]
The post What Are You Thankful For? appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

Why Are Some Houstonians Hesitant to Take the COVID Vaxx?

On Saturday February 6, 2021, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner held a press conference with other local and state officials to discuss vaccine hesitancy. Journalist Derrick Broze asked the Mayor about reporting for adverse reactions to vaccines. Broze also asked Houston Health Authority Dr. David Persse about the ongoing problems with the PCR method used to […]

How Do We Organize Against Quarantine Centers?

Journalist Derrick Broze reviews a few stories related to forced quarantines of those who refuse COVID19 tests and/or vaccines. Derrick also asks, how are the free people of the world going to organize to prevent medical authoritarians (And their blind followers) from completing their medical tyranny scheme. https://pinecast.com/listen/8cdb89a0-f8ea-4385-bd2d-cfc174c62928.mp3 Watch on Flote / Minds / Odysee […]

Free Thinker Radio (2/4/21): Are You a Domestic Extremist?

Micah and Derrick are back for a new episode of Free Thinker Radio on 90.1 KPFT Houston and The Conscious Resistance Network. This week they are talking about the latest focus on domestic extremism, new covid variants, and authoritarian measures in response to COVID19. https://pinecast.com/listen/c3243e7c-6f53-41f5-94ba-2d69531c2cfa.mp3 Watch on Minds / Flote / Odysee / Bitchute / […]

What Does It Mean to be Activated?

Derrick Broze reflects on The Greater Reset Activation and asks what it means to be activated. https://pinecast.com/listen/b4a53ab8-b61a-4607-a81d-727536928e88.mp3 Watch on Bitchute / Odysee / Hive / Flote / Minds Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to help with fatigue, stress, addiction, and pain: http://broze.freeounceofkratom.com Please help us advance truth, healing, community building, […]

Healthy Masculinity & Radical Vulnerability w Sacred Sons Co-Founder Adam Jackson

Vanessa and Danny are excited to welcome Sacred Sons co-founder Adam Jackson to the podcast to discuss men’s work, radical vulnerability and how men can show up powerfully in their relationships. Sacred Sons is a mens work organization facilitating the healthy, balanced masculine through ceremonial men’s gatherings, circles, and trainings. Find out more at https://links.sacredsons.com/ […]