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Our Relationship to Mother Earth with Kale Ka’alekahi – Sovereign Lovestream Ep 34

Today we are joined by spiritual activist and cultural innovator Kale Ka’alekahi. Kale is an indigenous Hawaiian activist who embodies the deep spiritual wisdom of his culture in such a genuine way that he radiates light and life. Kale is trained in the ancient arts of hula (dance), mele (song), oli (chant) in which the […]

Free Thinker Radio (3/4/21): More Hopium, More Lies

Micah, Johnny, and Derrick are back for another episode of Free Thinker Radio on 90.1 KPFT Houston! This week the guys are covering Biden’s bombing of Syria, more MSM propaganda exposed, the latest on immunity passports, and so much more! Tune in! https://pinecast.com/listen/9051103d-04dd-4441-b128-02d6f5771c71.mp3 Learn more about Free Thinker Radio: https://www.thehoustonfreethinkers.com

Big Shifts Coming At The Conscious Resistance Network

Friends, As part of my renewed push to focus on SOLUTIONS, I am launching a new podcast, The Activation. This podcast came to be for 2 reasons: 1. I am sick of talking about the daily/weekly news that, generally speaking, will only be relevant for a week or two. 2. I was inspired by the amount […]
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The Activation #1: What Is The Conscious Agora?

The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Activation Episode 1: What Is The Conscious Agora? – In the first episode of The Activation, Derrick Broze shares his vision of an intentional community project he calls The Conscious Agora. Derrick describes the principles backing the community and his plans for building one of these Conscious Agora’s in […]

The Activation Podcast Launches This Week!

Derrick Broze shares what you can expect from his upcoming podcast, The Activation! The new solutions-focused podcast will premiere on Wednesday March 3rd! https://pinecast.com/listen/377ab3d4-5870-4cc5-87f3-6674cc1a52c4.mp3 Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to help with fatigue, stress, addiction, and pain: http://broze.freeounceofkratom.com Please help us advance truth, healing, community building, and empowering the people […]

You Are a Pioneer of Peace

(The following is a preview of Chapter 1 of Finding Freedom In An Age of Confusion, Part 2 of the recently released The Conscious Resistance Trilogy by Derrick Broze and John Vibes. To read the full chapter pick up a copy of the trilogy!) Every single one of us was born into a chaotic world. […]
The post You Are a Pioneer of Peace appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

Building Local Resilience: How Communities Can Thrive Through Revolution and Ecological Collapse

My name is Tony and I am a musician and community activist in the Grand Rapids, MI area. In 2013 I became obsessed with activism after studying the ways that the global elite orchestrate conflict and invest in all forms of slavery. I saw how 9/11 gave birth to the war on terror, leading to […]