
Brave New Normal

So the War on Populism is finally over. Go ahead, take a wild guess who won.
I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t the Russians, or the white supremacists, or the gilets jaunes, or Jeremy Corbyn’s Nazi Death Cult, or the misogynist Bernie Bros, or the MAGA-hat terrorists, or any of the other real or fictional “populist” forces that global capitalism has been waging war on for the last four years.

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker- A Philosophy of Fear?

Tom Secker Presents Professor Lars Svendsen
In a culture that in many ways is characterized by social disintegration, fear is something we all share, a unifying perspective on existence. Political fear does not arise in a vacuum, it is created and maintained. This week we explore these ideas with Professor Lars Svendsen, the author of A Philosophy of Fear. We discuss why he wrote the book, where the modern culture and climate of fear comes from, whether philosophy has adequately confronted it, and how a politics of trust could be the antidote to the politics of fear.

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker- The Politics of Fear

Today, almost all politics are a politics of fear, and almost all policies are defended and excused through some notion of 'security'. Fear-therefore-security is the dominant political dynamic of our time. This week I take a look at these concepts, exploring whether all politics is a politics of fear, and offering examples of when this can work well and when it can work very badly. I focus in on the recent general election in the UK, showing how every candidate, even those offering some degree of real opposition, are all engaged in a politics of fear and security.

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb: February 21, 2015: Vaccines, and suspicious deaths

On the February 21, 2015 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism, I discussed: Cutting through media censorship and fear mongering in the vaccine debate, and talk about the suspicious alleged killing of three Muslims in North Carolina and suspicious reported death of a young boy wandering out in the cold in Toronto.