
All Confusion and Contradictions in Trump’s Apocalyptic America

In front of White House
Americans are angry. I suspected they would be, but I got confirmation that they are, all over the place: in Miami, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Minneapolis, New York, and Boston. Basically, everywhere I went, while “taking pulse and temperature” of this country where I used to live, cumulatively, for more than a decade, I felt frustration and bewilderment.

The End of History lasted 2 Years: I’ll give the Great Reset 18 Months

The many similarities in the unfolding narrative of Covid-19 to that of September 11, 2001 — the mass hysteria, the banker bailouts, the insider trading, the censorship of dissent, the apparent foreknowledge (Lockstep, Event 201, PNAC, Catastrophic Terrorism, A Clean Break etc), the rollout of mass surveillance measures and more — make the two seem like parallel conspiracies. Covid-19 could also be compared to 9-11 in that it seems to be a ‘controlled demolition’ of the world economy by the global financial powers, one that was either planned, or at very least allowed to happen.

Battlefield Report from the Belly of the Beast 

For a half century, I’ve been of the opinion that there is just one social issue of real importance.  Until we put an end to state warfare, or mass-murder for corporate profit, all other causes are meaningless.  Recently I’ve come to the conclusion that the age of bombing for dollars has nearly come to an end.  The fighter jets from nearby Davis-Monthan AFB no longer rip the silent skies asunder, practice-strafing the city of Tucson, replaced instead by what appear to be slow moving surveillance aircraft.  The long protracted age of war is done.  Great cause for celebration, no?  Unfortunat

The Global Reset: Unplugged

Imagine, you are living in a world that you are told is a democracy – and you may even believe it – but, in fact, your life and fate is in the hands of a few ultra-rich, ultra-powerful and ultra-inhuman oligarchs. They may be called Deep State, Illuminati, or simply the Beast, or anything else obscure or untraceable, it doesn’t matter. They are less than the 0.0001%.