
Bill Keller Was Wrong About Iraq, But We Should Heed His Calls For War in Syria

Bill Keller’s piece in The New York Times yesterday got a lot of attention, and for all the right reasons. The absurdity of the piece wasn’t lost on most people: Keller lays out how terribly wrong he was for supporting the Bush administration’s war of choice in Iraq, and is now asking readers not to collapse in laughter as he speaks with an air of authority on why we should invade, or at least bomb, Syria.

Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: The Real Terror Is The Law - Now You Can Be Executed For Merely Being A Suspect!

I am truly appalled by the actions shown by the American public, especially the citizens of Boston and Watertown, in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon drill and operation.... It was disgusting to watch these people cheer on their police forces with shouts of "USA!

Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Yes, it is Sunday, and first I want to let everyone know that I am feeling much better today.... Better than I have for the last two weeks.... I have been suffering from a head cold, migraine headaches, body chills, etc... Many of the symptoms of Influenza but without the extra great things that come along with having the Flu itself.... I have noticed that many people have had much the same illness that I have had, and it does make me wonder....