
Mideast Backlashes Yet to Come

By Sharmine Narwani – Al-Akhbar – 2013-05-13

The Middle East is treading water these days. Two years of rhetoric about ousting dictators, revolution, freedom, honor, dignity, and democracy – without result – has people on edge, their disillusionment now demanding an outlet.
There are no outlets though. Sensing the fast-growing disenchantment with undelivered promises, even the “bright new leaders” are tightening the reins and demanding compliance.

US drone strikes illegal – Pakistani court

RT | May 10, 2013

A high court in Pakistan has ruled that US drone strikes in the country’s tribal belt should be considered war crimes, since the attacks resulted in the deaths of innocent people.
The Peshawar High Court has recommended the Pakistani government advance a resolution against the attacks in the United Nations. The court issued its verdict on the CIA-run air strikes in response to four petitions charging the attacks killed civilians and caused “collateral damage.”

Three rapes happen every hour in US military: Report

Press TV – May 9, 2013

A new report by the US Defense Department, Pentagon, says almost three rapes occur every hour in the US military, raising serious concern about the soaring rate of sexual assault among US servicemen.
According to the Pentagon, sexual assaults in the military have increased to the alarming level of 70 per day or three every hour, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

Did Israel Nuke Syria? "Nuclear Rogue" By Jim Stone

Anyone with 1/2 a measure of intelligence knows that Israel indeed is a nuclear weapons nation, and that it would use these weapons in an instant according to its INSANE Samson Option against most nations on planet Earth in a true holocaust where they clearly state that "If We are ever in danger of going down... We will take 1/2 the world with us!"....  Such is the insanity and immorality of this dangerous terrorist nation...Recently I came across several videos that were sent to me, asking for my honest opinion, and I was truly shocked...