
Sad News: Organic Farmer Suffering from GMO Contamination Dismissed by Court

After a six-year legal battle GMO crop contamination, organic farmer Steve Marsh has lost his bid for a higher court to hear his case and the appeal which would have allowed him the chance to argue his side one final time.
Michael Baxter, Steve Marsh’s neighbor in Australia, grew genetically modified canola on his farm, but it wasn’t long before his crops contaminated Steve Marsh’s organic farm. Baxter says that the two men could have just had a conversation over the fence, but now it seems this legal battle is coming to a close, in Baxter’s favor.

Students Learn Organic Farming, Sell Thousands of Pounds of Produce After Internship

As part of the growing need to find sustainable ways to provide organic, quality food for ourselves, our families, and our neighbors, more young people have become interested in organic farming. Now new programs are teaching children the importance of self-sustainable farming, and how to farm using age-old techniques.

How Scotland’s “Organic Ambitions” Plan Will Shift the Future of Food and Farming

Next week, “Organic Ambitions: An Action Plan for organic food and farming in Scotland 2016-2020” will be unveiled in Scotland. The plan for organic food production is designed to help build a more sustainable farming future and stimulate the rural economy.
The January 27 launch will coincide with the first day of the Organic Research Center’s annual conference, being held in Bristol.

Ruling Protects Organic Farmers, ‘GM-Free’ Zones in Jackson County, Oregon

Residents in Oregon have been trying to deflect genetically modified crops on their land for years, with numerous counties taking action against the genetically engineered crops. Recently, after some back-and-forth concerning GMO farming, a ruling was finally made that, while not perfect, is a win for farmers growing non-GM crops in Jackson County, Oregon.