
Farmers in America Are Now Killing Themselves at an Unprecedented Rate

(ZHE) — Suicide is exploding in America – and the increase isn’t confined to celebrities like Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. Suicide rates have risen by an astonishing 30% since 1999, with suicidal people citing relationship stress, financial difficulties and other issues as the underlying cause. But suicide rates have increased for some professions more than others. According to CBS, farmers are […]

Over 75% of Earth’s Land Areas Are Now Broken: What That Means for You

(ANTIMEDIA) — According to the world’s first evidence-based assessment of the state of the planet’s land health, more than 75 percent of the Earth’s soil surface has substantially degraded, putting the well-being of some 3.2 billion people at risk. The new report, produced by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), took three years to compile and […]

New Senate Bill Would Legalize Hemp Nationwide as an Agricultural Product

(TIM) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced he will introduce a new bill on Monday that would legalize hemp, a non-psychoactive relative of marijuana, as an agricultural product. The bill is co-sponsored by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rand Paul(R-KY). In addition to legalization, the Hemp Farming Act of 2018 would remove the product from the federal government’s schedule of controlled substances, while […]

Life in the slow lane: horse-drawn farming

As agriculture becomes ever more reliant on technology, horse-drawn farming seems consigned to a bygone age. But working with horses reduces the reliance on fossil fuels, cuts soil compaction, and can be economically viable on a small scale, writes Eleanor Paddock, from her farm in the shadow of Dartmoor using real horse power
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This App is Helping African Farmers Secure Their Land Rights

In Ghana, a for-profit firm called LandMapp is “unlocking land’s value” by helping to secure farmer’s unofficial land rights. At a relatively low cost, the company maps a farmer's land boundary with GPS and provides documentation of the land holdings. With this verified information, farmers can get easier access to credit and are better able to contract with commodity firms. 

If You Already Switched to Organic Food, We Have Good News for You

(ANTIMEDIA) According to a recent review of existing scientific data, foods with high levels of pesticides may compromise brain health and lower IQs.
The report, commissioned by the E.U. parliament to determine the safety of pesticides in food and the potential of organic alternatives, does not appear to be publicly available but has been viewed by multiple non-American outlets.