Farmer's March

Respect The Democratic Right Of Protest, Repeal The Recent Anti-Farmer Legislations

The People’s Union for Civil Liberties is committed to the defence and promotion of civil liberties in India, irrespective of differences regarding the political and economic institutions that maybe suitable for the country. The aim of the PUCL is clearly to uphold and promote by peaceful means the democratic way of life throughout India. To us it is an article[Read More...]

Farmer Protests Questions Indian State’s Neo-liberal Policies

Ongoing farmer protests that turn into an encirclement of New Delhi, the power-center are no longer confined to the securing of assurance of Minimum Support Price (MSP) for wheat and rice in Punjab and Haryana. They have sharpened the sting against Indian policies of neo-liberalism. These policies have already led to the finance-capital control and privatization of health and education[Read More...]

21 Compelling Reasons Why the Modi Government Should Accept the Demand for Repealing the Three Farm Laws

On Saturday December 5 the Government of India is scheduled to hold the 5th round of talks with protesting farmers’ movements. There are at least 21 compelling reasons why the government should accept the main demand of farmers for repealing the three controversial laws. These reasons relate mainly to the fact that acceptance of this key demand will be good[Read More...]

It Takes Courage To Admit Error: Repealing the new Farm Laws

The Agricultural Trade and Commerce Act, Farmers Price Assurance Act and Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act were enacted by the Union Government in October 2020. These laws have triggered nationwide protests, which include huge participation of women farmers. They believe that these laws will make them vulnerable to exploitation by corporations, erode their bargaining power, and weaken government’s MSP system, putting[Read More...]

Indian farmers challenge return of ‘Company Raj’

The ongoing siege of the national capital New Delhi by hundreds of thousands of farmers represents, perhaps, the biggest revolt against ‘Company Raj’ since India’s First War of Independence way back in 1857. While a century and half ago it was the rapacious British East India Company that was the target of the Indian masses this time their ire today[Read More...]

Me Too Khalistani

Ever since the Punjab farmers’ agitation has picked up in India, the followers of the currently ruling right wing Hindu nationalist government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi have started labelling the agitators as separatists. Since the famers from Punjab are predominantly Sikhs, Modi’s troll army and some of his apologists in Bollywood have begun attacking them on social media,[Read More...]

Canadian Prime minister’s statement on farmer protest is not an interference in our internal matters

The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has supported the farmers’ peaceful democratic protest in Delhi and hoped that a solution would be found out. Now, this has ‘hurt’ the sentiments of ‘liberal’ ‘deshbhakts’ and they have started questioning Canada’s locus standi on the issue. A great editor even tweeted how Canada, which is ‘inconsequential’ for world politics matter for India.[Read More...]

Yes, The Three Controversial Farm Laws Should be Scrapped, But We Also Need to Look Beyond This

An important farmers’ movement has emerged in India around the opposition to the three recent controversial farm legislations which are widely alleged to advance corporate interests at the expense of jeopardizing a fair deal to farmers. This has support of many important farmers’ organizations and in addition sections of other social movements have also extended support to the demand for[Read More...]

The corporatisation of agriculture a death knell for farmers

The #FarmersProtest has brought into limelight the dangers of ‘corporatisation’ of agriculture which the farmers organisations know but our ‘economists’ sponsored and funded by big companies continue to provide us ‘data’ of the efficacy of the ‘private sector’. The three bills that the farmers are protesting, particularly from Punjab and Haryana will actually bring death knell to the Minimum Support[Read More...]

Hindi Press demonizes farmers’ protest, brands them Khalistani terrorists

While the farmers continue to hold demonstrations near the national capital against the recently-enacted Farm Laws that have facilitated the entry of big corporate players in the agricultural sector, several Hindi newspapers are busy demonizing the movement and linking it to the Khalistani terrorists. Several narratives are being constructed by the media to portray the Farmers’ Protests as unruly, violent,[Read More...]