Far Right

Greece Gives Birth to Another Virulent Neo-Nazi Party — Is the U.S. Ambassador One of Its Proud Godfathers?

“Greeks for the Fatherland:” Ilias Kasidiaris and Greece’s New Far-Right Party A new neo-Nazi party, “Greeks for the Fatherland,” has formed in Greece under the leadership of former Golden Dawn (GD) leader Ilias Kasidiaris as the infamous GD Party begins to fade. Serious fissures in GD began in July 2019 when GD failed to enter […]

The Christchurch Massacre: And the Perpetual Motion Machine…

What happened in Christchurch, New Zealand, is not surprising. An event like that has been coming: and there’s going to be more of them elsewhere. With the extent of the continuous propaganda and brainwashing content (or experiment) being run across the uglier sections of the Internet, it’s actually surprising that something on this scale hasn’t […]

The AZOV BATALLION, White Jihad & the Return of the Nazis…

Amid all the recent provocation and manuevering concerning Russia, Ukraine and the Azov Sea (see here and here), another story may have passed under a lot of peoples’ radars: concerning not the Azov Sea, but Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi ‘Azov Batallion’. It’s arguably not a huge story in itself: and I’ll get to it in a moment. […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 162 JG Michael on the Evolution of the Right-Wing Movement: From Moldbug to Gavin McInnes

This week J.G. Michael of Parallax Views joined me to discuss the current state of the right-wing movement. J.G. started out by talking about the intellectual roots of the far right and how that has evolved over the years. He touched on lesser known but highly influential people like Curtis Yarvin and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. J.G. also talked about the role that silicon valley and tech culture within the neoreactionary movement.

Was There Election Fraud in Sweden?

As I said in the video interview above, I was expecting the Sweden Democrats to get around 25% but wouldn’t be surprised if they got 31%.
They only got 17,6%.
I’ll admit, I was disappointed. And perhaps my disappointment is so strong it colours my perception. At the same time, I can’t ignore there’s been an alarming amount of reports of unacceptable behavior.

An Age of Universal Deceit, Part II: What is Happening in GERMANY…?

This is ‘Part II’ of the article that was originally talking about the situation in Sweden: now I want to focus on Germany. Though, broadly speaking, this is all one subject. There are groups, ideologies, platforms and parties right now that are working to push all of civilisation into a ‘race war’ or ‘civil war’ […]

An Age of Universal Deceit, Part I: What is Happening in SWEDEN…?

I’ve been talking here for some time about a manufactured ‘race war’ or ‘civil wars’ psy-op, utilising age-old divide-and-conquer strategies and propaganda and being run at various levels of media and society. It has been unfolding in pretty much every country: and in the last three years, it has been pushed into overdrive. I laid […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 155 Maduro assassination attempt and economic warfare on Venezuela with Paul Dobson

This week my guest is journalist Paul Dobson of Venezuelanalysis. We had a wide ranging discussion on Venezuela, its current political and economic situation, and western media distortions. First, we covered the recent terrorist attack on President Maduro’s life on August 4th. We touched on the right-wing media operations out of Miami, which supported this terrorist act, as well as the role of ultra right-wing activists in Venezuela and Colombia.