by Far

By far, THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN THE WORLD today is………………..

from State Of The Nation: But why? Because truly conservative Christian men and woman in America are authentic Patriots. And most Patriots are well-trained GUN OWNERS. Patriots are fiercely ANTI-GLOBALISM. TRUTH LIVES on at Patriots are PRO LIFE and ardently against fetal murder. Patriots are well aware of the transparent CLIMATE CHANGE FRAUD. Patriots loathe the LGBTQIA AGENDA. Patriots despise CULTURAL MARXISM even […]

Federal Data Show JPMorgan Chase Is, By Far, the Riskiest Bank in the U.S.

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade: The long-tenured Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, likes to use the phrase “fortress balance sheet,” when talking about his bank to Congress or shareholders. But the data stored at its federal regulators show that the bank is, by far, the most systemically […]