false rape allegations

Should We Believe All Women? Ask Jack Rebolledo! (Part 1)

The recent sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden was largely ignored by the mainstream media until it could be ignored no longer. It is easy to understand why: his accuser Tara Reade is away with the fairies. That being said, some conservative commentators, including Larry Elder, have pointed to the double standard used for judging such allegations when made against Republicans, including Donald Trump.

Feminism Is Perverting The Rule Of Law In Britain (Part 1)

Almost all Western politicians pay at least lip service to feminist ideology because few if any recognise its toxicity. In Britain especially, the insane dogma of feminism has had a pernicious influence on both social policy and the law.  And it continues to do so.
An in-depth discussion of this matter would take us far afield, so three examples in the public eye will suffice: the contrived gender pay gap, dishonesty about rape, and ongoing attempts to exculpate women convicted of murdering men on the clearest evidence.