false rape

Should We Believe All Women? Ask Jack Rebolledo! (Part 1)

The recent sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden was largely ignored by the mainstream media until it could be ignored no longer. It is easy to understand why: his accuser Tara Reade is away with the fairies. That being said, some conservative commentators, including Larry Elder, have pointed to the double standard used for judging such allegations when made against Republicans, including Donald Trump.

Jussie And Kesha Need To Stop Digging

We’ve all heard the expression when you’ve dug yourself into a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. An extreme example of this was the sad case of the senior Australian judge Marcus Einfeld who lied to get out of a $77 speeding ticket in August 2006. That lie was compounded with lie after lie until he had even dragged in his own 94 year old mother. In March 2009, he received a sentence of 3 years imprisonment – 2 years without parole.