false flag operations

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker- 9/11 and Gladio B

From triple agents training terrorists in the mountains of Turkey to the CIA cable that was never sent, this episode examines the context around 9/11 to identify several people and part of the story of how the 9/11 attacks were a Gladio operation. I focus in on two of the supposed hijackers - Nawaf Al Hazmi and Khalid Al Mihdhar - and their connections to intelligence assets Luai Sakra and Anwar Al Awlaki, and how the CIA's failure to notify the FBI about them is a strong indication that information was being compartmentalized to enable and protect this black operation.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Coups, False Flag Operations, Hearts & Minds

Welcome to our twelfth episode of Probable Cause. Today, with this episode, we are starting a new subtopic that is directly related to our macro subject. We are going to talk about strategic operations and synthetic events as catalysts to bring about forceful and rapid changes. We are going to talk about coups: Coup as in coups d'etat; coups d'etat as in "stroke of the state,” and defined as a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics.

Porkins Policy Radio- Gladio Operations in Russia’s Backyard, Chechens & Al-Zawahiri’s 1996 Imprisonment in Russia

On this week’s episode we continue our roundtable discussion on Gladio B with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker. Picking up where we last left off, the three of us explore some of the reasons for Russia’s presumed intransigence in the face of mounting NATO and Gladio operations in their backyard. As a case study for this we look at Ayman Al Zawahiri’s little-discussed imprisonment by the Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) in Chechnya in 1996 while traveling with four diplomatic passports and a laptop. We discuss why the FSB captured him as well as why they let him go.

Corbett Report- Gladio B & the Battle for Eurasia

Objective: The Destabilization of Central Asia & the Caucasus
‘Operation Gladio B’–the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program–covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.