false claims

Antidepressant Review Shows Big Pharma Covers Up Links to Suicide

The largest-ever review of the effects of antidepressants on teens uncovered some incredibly disturbing findings, including that the drugs raise the risk of suicide in kids under 18.
Now, this link is nothing new. We just reported in September that the selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drug Paxil was found to make teens suicidal.

Consumer Group Sues General Mills over Cheerios Protein Claims

The next time you pour yourself a bowl of Cheerios, keep this in mind: General Mills, the manufacturer of Cheerios, thinks the American public is stupid. According to a new lawsuit brought this week by consumer group Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), General Mills has been pulling one over on consumers when it comes to its nutritional claims about its new Protein Cheerios product.