fake Republican outrage

President Obama Gets Twitter Account: Racist Republican Base Goes Wild!

When the New York Times asked "Jeff Gully" about his handiwork, he wanted to know how much he would be paid to comment.by NoahWell, OK. I know. The republican base went wild a long time ago. They especially went wild when America elected a black man as its president. We all know where the vast majority of republicans stand on race.

In Colorado, the big fraud in "voter fraud" is once again voter-fraud fraud

Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler: liar or loon?by KenWe know that the Right has excellent skills in picking its rhetorical battles: the kinds of things that will inflame public sentiment regardless of the truth of them, which usually ranges from "not much" to "undetectable." And one especially clever example has been "voter fraud."It sounds like an issue that strikes at the heart of democracy: all those (yuck!) "other" peoples racking up fraudulent voter registrations and