Fake News

Google Promotes Maine Shellfish Scare – As Production Sets Record

By James Taylor | ClimateRealism | October 20, 2020 Google News is promoting claims that global warming is killing off Maine’s shellfish. However, objective data show that Maine is producing a record aquaculture harvest and Maine’s lobster catch is also setting records. At the top of search results today for “climate change,” Google News is […]

Former OPCW director defends Douma whistleblowers as ‘extremely competent’, slams media for creating ‘wall of silence’

RT | October 19, 2020 The former head of the OPCW has defended the whistleblowers who alleged that it engaged in a cover-up of exonerating evidence in Douma, arguing efforts to silence him prove the dissenters right. Jose Bustani, the OPCW’s founding director general, has fiercely defended the inspectors who braved political pressure from their […]

The Case Against Social Media: Mass Misinformation in the Covid-19 Era

Despite the rising salience of “fake news” in the U.S., propaganda, misinformation, and conspiracy theories are hardly new phenomena. In the 1950s, The historian Richard Hofstadter famously wrote in The Paranoid Style of American Politics about conspiratorial thinking in American history, including McCarthyism, ravings about water fluoridation, and wild tales about the Illuminati and Free Masons secretly dominating American politics and society.

Michael Mann Appeals to, Then Ignores Scientific Consensus on 60 Minutes

By James Taylor – Climate Realism – October 5, 2020

Prominent scientist and climate activist Michael Mann appealed to an asserted scientific consensus to chastise President Donald Trump on CBS’s 60 Minutes program last night. Ironically, Mann himself ignored clear scientific consensus in order to promote his own, out-of-the-mainstream climate change theories.